Creating your own RSpec Matchers.

RSpec is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for the Ruby programming language. It assists with setting expectations for how exactly one expects ones code to behave. Tests (or specs) are first written and run leading to failures. Code is then written to pass those expectations earlier set. RSpec by default provides a handful of matchers [...]


Mock Objects in PHP – Testing

 Introduction In unit tests, mock objects simulate the behaviour of real objects. They are commonly utilised to offer test isolation, to stand in for objects which do not yet exist, or to allow for the exploratory design of class APIs without requiring actual implementation up front. A good example, where mock objects would be required, is [...]


Creating your own RSpec Matchers.


Ruby on Steroids(DSLs): The Powerful Spell Called DSL


Ruby on Steroids: The Magic of MetaProgramming – Method Spells


Ruby on Steroids: The Magic of MetaProgramming – Fellowship of Spells


How to Delegate Like a Boss